Plan Drawings of Medium Size Waste Water Treatment Plant

In this post, I want to share you how to calculate h2o treatment plant capacity. I used this term to avoid misunderstanding.

  • Raw water is untreated water coming from h2o source, such every bit from wellwater, river, or seawater
  • Utility water is raw water which has been treated and used in plant, such as for personal hygiene (flushing), utility station, cooling belfry make upward
  • Drink water is sufficiently loftier quality water which is provided for drinking, cooking, laundry, and safety shower/eye launder
  • Demineralized water is treated h2o which is usually used as chemical dilution of MDEA or boiler feed water

Water treatment plant capacity calculation begins with demin water demand, potable h2o demand, utility water need, and the terminal is raw h2o demand.

Demineralized H2o Demand

I don't have experience in calculating demineralized water need for amine contactor or chemical dilution. So, in this post, I presume demineralized h2o is used as boiler feed water. Let say nosotros have banality with chapters of ten ton/hour. Assume blow downwards rate is 3%.

Demin h2o demand is = (1+3%) x 10 ton/hour = 10.3 ton/hour

Bold density of h2o is 995 kg/m3 so, demin water demand is 10.35 m3/h or 45.57 USgpm.

Potable Water Need

Let usa assume potable water is provided for safety shower/heart washer and building.

  1. Emergency shower = 20 USgpm (based on ANSI/ISEA, operated for 15 minutes a day)
  2. Eye wash = 3 USgpm (based on ANSI/ISEA Z358.1, operated for fifteen minutes a day)
  3. Drinking water user, presume number of person 50 person

Normal consumption includes drinking, cooking, and laundry

Drinking = two Fifty/person/twenty-four hours

Cooking = threescore L/person/day

Laundry = 30 L/person/day

Full = 92 50/person/twenty-four hours. Let us take 100 L/person/day for this calculation

For l person, the total is = 5000 Fifty/twenty-four hour period or 0.92 USgpm

Height need is typically 5-x L/person/h. And so we take 10 L/person/h (total = 500 L/h or two USgpm)

Drinkable water demand must consider peak need = 20 + 3 + 2.2 = 25.2 USgpm

Utility Water Demand

Let usa assume uitlity water is provided for personal hygiene, utility connection, and cooling water make up.

  1. Personal hygiene (including WC flushing)

Consumption = 110 L/person/twenty-four hours

Contingency = 11 Fifty/person/day (10%)

Total = 121 L/person/day

Bold fifty person, and then full is 6050 L/twenty-four hour period or 1.1 USgpm

  1. Utility station

Consumption = 22 USgpm

  1. Cooling water makeup

Cooling water make up is function of evaporation, drift loss, and blowdown.

To calculate cooling water makeup, let u.s. presume:

Apportionment flow = 1000 USgpm

Inlet temperature = 95 F

Outlet temperature = 85 F

Bicycle of concentration = 5

Drift loss = 0.2% of circulation flow (varies between 0.1% and 0.ii%)

Evaporation loss = 0.00085 x delta T x circulation flow = 0.00085 x (95-85) x k = viii.v USgpm

Drift loss = 0.2% x circulation flow = 0.2% 10 thou USgpm = 2 USgpm

Blowdown = evaporation loss/ (Cycle of concentration – one) = 8.5/(5-i) = ii.thirteen USgpm

Cooling h2o makeup = evaporation loss + drift loss + blowdown = eight.five + ii + ii.thirteen = 12.63 USgpm

Utility water demand = 1.i + 22 + 12.63 = 35.73 USgpm (superlative)

Afterward we identified all water demand, and so put the demand in water balance.

Water treatment plant balance
H2o treatment plant residuum

From water balance higher up nosotros can encounter that :

  • Capacity of utility water package (using filtration & reverse osmosis) = 252.06 USgpm
  • Capacity of potable water package = 25.2 USgpm
  • Capacity of demineralized water packet = 45.57 USgpm

The above capacity is not considering storage tank at each type of water. If you apply store the water at respective storage tank (utility water storage tan, drinkable water storage tank, and demineralized water storage tank), you tin reduce the capacity of each water handling package. The storing days should be plenty so that water requirement is always fulfilled. Take example, three days storing time. H2o capacity tin be reduced past l%, and so that:

  • Capacity of utility h2o package = 126.03 USgpm
  • Capacity of potable water package = 12.6 USgpm
  • Capacity of demineralized water bundle = 22.78 USgpm
  • Capacity of utility h2o distribution pump = 35.73 USgpm (based on previous adding)
  • Chapters of beverage h2o distribution pump = 25.ii USgpm (based on previous calculation)
  • Capacity of demineralized h2o distribution pump = 45.57 USgpm (based on previous adding)


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